Help Centre

Help Informations

What kind of help do you need?

illustration of a telephone

Need Urgent Help or Support?

Edinburgh College Wellbeing Service

 You can contact our wellbeing service for some support and advice at - responses will be made during normal college operating hours.

If you need Out of Hours help and support see below.

If you are distressed or experiencing feelings of despair - get help now.

  • Is there someone you can call - family or a friend?
  • Is there a neighbour who can help?

If you or anyone else is in immediate danger or harm then please call the Police or Ambulance Service on 999.

Do you need Urgent Medical or Mental Health help?

If you do then it is crucial that you contact the right person and that is most likely to be your GP. They will know where to get you the specialist help you need.

If your GP surgery is closed their answerphone will direct you to the right place or you can call NHS 111

Use The NHS 111 service if you urgently need medical help or advice but it is not a life threatening situation.

Here are some other useful numbers to use if you are experiencing a crisis or you cannot keep yourself safe:

Breathing Space – 0800 838 587

Nightline - 0131 557 4444 (term time)

Samaritans – 0330 094 5717 (charges may apply) or 116123 (free phone)

Edinburgh Crisis Centre – 0808 801 0414 or 07974429075

Mental Health Assessment Service (MHAS) - 0131 537 6000 or go straight to the Royal Ed